Thursday 11 November 2010

Deepnet Windows Logon Solution

There are a few cases that the user can't login with OTP after installing Deepnet Windows Logon Solution.

In Event Viewer on the domain controller, you see some error logs emitted from a source called "DasDCAgent", and the error detail reads:

Get ticket from client failed: Domain MYDOMAIN
Domain Controller: DC IP
Workstation: MYWS
User: me
Connect to client failed
ErrorCode: E-FAIL

This error message means the domain controller(actually Deepnet DC Agent) is unable to contact a service (Deepnet Client Agent)installed on client machine(workstation). There are two possibities.

Workstation Side

Deepnet Client Agent port 14283 is blocked by Windows Firewall(or other software firewall installed)

Deepnet Client Agent default port 14283 is taken by another process(rather than dasclientagent.exe)

The service "DAS Client Agent" doesn't start properly

Domain Controller Side

Somehow the DC can't resolve the workstation name to a correct IP address which is allocated on the workstation. Generally it is down to a DNS problem. You can confirm it by executing a ping command in Command Prompt.

ping MYWS

Check the result to see if it matches the one returned by doing "ipconfig" at your workstation side.

Ironically, the inverstigaton on all of the reported cases only goes to prove the problem was caused by incorrect IP resolve at DC side - DNS corruption!

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