Friday, 26 June 2009

Update Hackintosh (OSX86) from 10.5.6 to 10.5.7

You must have Mac OS 10.5.7 to install/update iPhone SDK 3.0. The current version on my Dell Inspiron 1525 Notebook was 10.5.6. As you know, it's Hackintosh, which cost me a few day to make it fully work.

To be honest with you, I had no courage to upgrade it. However, someone reported that one of my applications was not compatible with his iPhone OS 3.0.

After backing up my projects, I decided to take a risk.

There were a few discussions about this issue on Internet. My instinct told me that the steps described on the web page were feasible.

I chose the old manual one though.

. First of all, I downloaded Delta Update, dsmos.kext, and osx86tools.

. Open a Terminal,
. Copy dsmos.kext to /System/Library/Extensions (sudo cp -R dsmos.kext /System/Library/Extensions),
. ”sudo –s”, then *type password*
. ”while sleep 1;”
. ”do rm –rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext;done”

. Leave the terminal window alone,

. Open 10.5.7 Update Installer.

. Run update wizard until the last page asking "Restart", but do NOT click the button.
. Go back to your terminal and press Control C to end the script.

. In terminal type: (yon can use other editor like vi)

”nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1”

Fortunately, in this file, I didn't see anything like "Steal", so it saved me doing the replacement(replace the line Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext with dsmos.kext)

. Exit your editor (nano or vi), but do NOT close terminal window!

Everything went smoothly until I tried to run osx86tools. osx86tools couldn't run at all! Other gui applications either! Luckily I knew(certainly after using Goolge to do a little bit search) that the there jobs (repair permissions, set extension permissions and clear extensions cache) could be done by command line. Please see the link for the details.

So I went back Terminal Window,

. "diskutil repairPermissions /" (Repair Permissions. Be patient, it took 5 minutes to finish on my machine)
. "chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions" (Set Permissions for Extensions Folder)
. "chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions"

. "rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext" (Clear Extensions Cache, no worry you see it again after you remove it, as it will be re-generated)
. "rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache" (didn't see it on my machine)

. Click the "Restart" button on the Update page.

Well, it's time to cross fingers!

It terrified me when the first reboot stopped at showing the Apple Icon and rebooted again. However the second reboot brought every thing to normal - I could logon, and the OS version was updated to 10.5.7!

Next, I tried to update iPhone SDK 3.0, without any problem!

This was my lucky day, but I was not happy. It was also my sad day, the day the world lost the "King of Pop", Michael Jackson.

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