Are you looking for a Linux shell script which can generate a certificate? Ideally, you only need to give a parameter, for web site certificate, which is its FQDN. You don't care other information, and you are fed up with the interaction which asks you input Country, Organization etc. In that case,
here it is.
I use certificates quite a lot. Recently I was asked to set up Microsoft Lync server(s). The certificates on Lync Reverse Proxy and Lync Edge server must have SANs (subject alternative name). It drove me to write such a shell script.
You are encouraged to change the configuration part in the shell script, for instance, key length (2048 by default), key password (PFX password, = "changeit"), how long the generated certificate will be valid(10 years)?
You can run this script without any parameter to see its usage
# ./
certgen ca
certgen client
certgen server []
First of all, you need to create CA certificate. Just run "certgen ca", it will create two files, cacert.crt and cakey.pem. Back up these two files, you are going to use this CA to sign the server/client certificates afterwards.
Now you can generate a server certificate, for instance, run the following command,
./ server fruit.myorchard.local DNS:apple.myorchard.local,DNS:cherry.myorchard.local
You are expected to see the result
Generating ca_config.cnf
generating server cert for:fruit.myorchard.local
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'fruit.myorchard.local.key'
Using configuration from ca_config.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
Serial Number: 4 (0x4)
Not Before: Mar 12 11:44:40 2014 GMT
Not After : Mar 9 11:44:40 2024 GMT
countryName = GB
stateOrProvinceName = BUCKS
localityName = LONDON
organizationName = YOURCOMPANY.COM
organizationalUnitName = R&D
commonName = fruit.myorchard.local
emailAddress =
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
TLS Web Server Authentication
X509v3 Key Usage:
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
DNS:fruit.myorchard.local, DNS:apple.myorchard.local, DNS:cherry.myorchard.local
Certificate is to be certified until Mar 9 11:44:40 2024 GMT (3650 days)
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated
Generated files: key: fruit.myorchard.local.key , cert: fruit.myorchard.local.crt
If you see "
failed to update database TXT_DB error number 2", it is very likely you have already generated the certificate with the same FQDN. You need to edit the
index.txt file to remove the related entry.
See more at
this link.
Generating Self-Signed Test Certificates Using One Single Shell Script